Hours of Operation
March 1 - Labor Day; The Lighthouse, Museum, and Gift Shop will be observing Spring/Summer Hours (Open 7 days a week):
Monday - Saturday - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday - Noon to 5 p.m.
September 2 - October 31; The Lighthouse, Museum, and Gift Shop will be observing Fall hours:
Tuesday - Saturday - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday - Noon to 5 p.m.
Nov. 1 - Feb. 28; The Lighthouse, Museum, and Gift Shop will be observing Winter hours
Tuesday - Sunday - Noon to 5 p.m.; MONDAY - CLOSED
Fees - (Entry to the Museum and Gift Shop are Free)
Lighthouse Climbing Fees
Adults age 13+ - $7.00
Youth age 7 to 12 - $5.00
Children age 6 and under - No Charge
U.S Military Personnel or Veterans with ID - $5.00
Members of the St. George Lighthouse Association - No Charge
Florida Lighthouse Association - No Charge
St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum - No Charge
Group Rates
Twelve or more people who make advance reservations.
Adults - $5.00
Youth - $5.00
Please Note: You must be at least 40 inches tall to climb the Lighthouse. Visitors to the lighthouse climb 92 wooden spiral stairs and an eight-rung metal ladder. Access to the lantern room is through a 24" X 21" scuttle hole. The height of the lighthouse is 72-feet tall.
Rules for Climbing
The following rules apply to individuals who climb the Cape St. George Light. We want you to have a safe and enjoyable visit to our historic lighthouse.
- Children must be a least 40 inches tall to climb. Children under the age of 12 are allowed to climb if accompanied by an adult and meet the height requirement. Adults are not allowed to carry children up or down the stairs.
- Appropriate footwear is recommended.
- Only camera equipment may be carried up the stairs. Please leave purses or bags in your vehicle.
- Please know your limitations! There are 92 spiral stairs to the watch room, and a narrow metal ladder to the lantern room. Visitors to the lighthouse climb 92 wooden spiral stairs and an eight-rung metal ladder. Access to the lantern room is through a 24” X 21” scuttle hole. If you have any health conditions that may impact your ability to climb, please do not try it.
- No food or drinks, or chewing gum are allowed in the lighthouse.
- Smoking is not allowed in the lighthouse.
- Pets are not allowed in the lighthouse.
- For your safety, the lighthouse will be closed during inclement weather at the discretion of the staff.
- Staff has the authority to deny or allow access as appropriate.

Pets are not allowed in the Gift Shop, Museum or Lighthouse but they are invited to visit the watering hole just for our fuzzy friends.